The Texas Cowmen documentary series and the AKA Rancher video game focus on ranching families that founded Texas.
The Texas Cowmen documentary series and the AKA Rancher video game focus on ranching families that founded Texas.
The two hour documentary features over 22 ranches throughout Texas.
The U.S. Beef industry is made up of more than 1 million businesses, farms and ranches.
There are more than 800,000 ranchers in the U.S..
The first episode of Texas Cowmen will be airing throughout March, 2017
As a full-motion video game, players view and digitally connect with real ranchers throughout the game.
Learn more about Texas founding families and how current and past stories effect today's culture.
Work with the ranching community to prevent family legacy ranches from being tore apart.
Watch the show for more historic insights.
Everyday you walk outside and that is your office. It’s a great life but it’s a very demanding life. And you have to love it to make a living on it. You have to love it.
Frank Reznicek, owner of the Kaechele Ranch
The encroachment of government, not just the political side of government, but the regulatory side, is huge and erroneous.
John Dudley, partner of the Dudley Bros.
In the ranching business, if you’re not changing, you’re going to be left behind.
John Scarbauer, owner of the Midland Meat Market
The incentive for cattle theft today is probably even stronger then it was back in 1887.
Eldon White, executive director of TSCRA
It was just something I always enjoyed doing. Something about the open spaces. There might not be a man in fifteen, twenty miles.
John Scarbauer, owner of the Midland Meat Market
We use horses a lot on the ranch. We’re on horseback about 75% of the year.
Mary Katherine White, 7th generation rancher
We think of ranchers as in the cattle business. We’re really not. We’re in the grass business.
Pete Bonds, owner of the Bonds Ranch
A good rancher takes care of his land. He understands his livestock, whether it be horses or cattle, and knows how to coordinate his land and the animals to make a living off that land.
Gerald Nobles Jr, owner of "L" Bar Ranch
It’s a lifestyle. You just get to see God’s hand everyday if you’ll just look. The rain, the clouds, the rainbow, you’ve got the baby calves, the green grass—everything.
Jon Means, owner of the Moon Ranch
Ranching to me is just the best way of life a person can have. The land more or less is the heart and soul of the people that live on it.
Frank Reznicek, owner of the Kaechele Ranch
It really ticks me off. You’ve already been taxed on your land, and your cash, and your assets. But then [the government] want that 55% when you die!
Chris Scharbauer, owner of Scharbauer Cattle Co.
We have a saying about God being in charge. When you make the application, you found out His standards are pretty high.
Alf Means, owner of The Means Ranch