Alf Means
Alf was a third generation rancher in Valentine and began working
on his family’s Y-6 Ranch as a hand before he was 10. His grandfather
was a very tenacious man who started ranching in West Texas in the 1800’s.
Alf was a third generation rancher in Valentine and began working
on his family’s Y-6 Ranch as a hand before he was 10. His grandfather
was a very tenacious man who started ranching in West Texas in the 1800’s.
In 1882, Bill’s grandfather and great uncles started The Cowden Ranch, also known as The JAL Ranch, in Midland, TX. Bill was a well-known and respect third generation rancher and cowman.
Candy comes from a family with a rich, multi-generational ranching and cattle history in West Texas. In 1982, after a career of teaching and being a tennis coach, she returned home. When her father died less than two years later, Candy decided to learn how to raise cattle and run a ranch in order to continue her family’s storied legacy.
Dave is the owner of the G. D. Scott Cattle Company and a 4th generation rancher and cowman. He is famously known by some as the rancher who once lassoed a wolf. Dave owns cattle and ranch land in several Texas counties, is a past president of the TSCRA and currently serves on their executive committee.
A rancher and decedent of the Scharbauers and the Cowdens who founded ranches in West Texas in the 1880′s, Gerald Nobles Jr. is the past Executive Director of the Faskin Foundation and continues to serves on the Board of Directors. His love for ranching heritage and recording history has made this documentary possible.
Jim is a seventh-generation Texan, former executive director of The National Ranching Heritage Center and a respected historian. Several of his works have been published. He is a member of the Endowment Fund for The Preservation of Ranching Heritage and The Working Ranch Cowboys Foundation.
Teresa Burleson is an award winning cowgirl poet whose poems are inspired by her personal experiences, her heritage and the Western way of life. As Director of the historic Fort Worth Stockyards Museum, she enjoys promoting the history of the cattle drives and the past successes and operations of the stockyards.
Andy is a national award winning cowboy poet, musician and distinguished college professor. He’s involved in Texas historical organizations and a great-great grand nephew of historic Texas rancher Charles Goodnight.
Bob Moorehouse is a retired General Manager and current member of the Board of Directors of the Pitchfork Land and Cattle Co. of Guthrie and Benjamin, Texas. Bob was the manager for the Pitchfork Ranch from 1986 to 2007. Moorehouse is also a renown photographer.
Coleman is President of the Locke division of J.D. Hudgins, Inc., one of the largest and most respected purebred cattle producers in the country. Located in Hungerford, Tx and founded in 1908, J.D. Hudgins cattle have won over 1,500 national and international championships. Coleman is a 5th generation rancher and cowman.
Eldon comes from a ranching family and is the executive director of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association which was founded in 1870′s.
J.D. is President of Port City Stockyards, a livestock business founded in Houston in 1931 by his grandfather, J.W. Sartwelle. Port City was once one of the largest stockyard operations in the country doing business with ranchers in many states
Keith is a retired engineer and gives tours at the Fort Worth Stockyards based on his experience as a stockyard hand in the 1960s.
Pat is a historian and expert on the development of the range cattle industry in the southwest U.S. Pat has a ranching heritage and serves on the board of several historical societies in Texas.
Billy’s ancestors moved to Texas in the 1830’s to farm and ranch. He is the great grandson of Texas cattle baron F.G. Oxsheer. Between 1895 and 1920, F.G. went boom and bust twice in the cattle business and at one time was one of the largest cattle owners in the U.S. with over 125,000 head.