Welcome To AKA Rancher
A mix of FarmVille with a dose of the educational classic, Oregon Trail, AKA Rancher is a full-motion video simulation game that allows players to start and run a ranch. Players must balance grass, water, and financial resources to cultivate the best cattle on the market. As a full-motion video game, players will digitally connect with real ranchers who are featured throughout the game.

Be A Ranching King!
As you progress in running a ranch, unlock real-world awards along with various video stories featuring legacy families in the Texas cattle ranching community.

Manage with Grit
Key gameplay involves you balancing grass, water, and financial resources to cultivate the best cattle on the market.

Real-World Neighbors
For each Texas region, you can glean ranching knowledge from real-world neighbors featured in the game.

Build a Ranching Legacy
Players can level up to own and run four Texas ranches in the West , North, Central, and Coastal regions.

Family Play
Players will have special abilities depending on age or gender. Examples include: Only kids can unlock historical ghosts; women have “animal whispering” powers; and men enhanced “land management” powers. In this manner, families are encouraged to play together and help one another succeed.

Unlock Legacy Stories
As you play, unlock authentic objects and stories shared by ranching legacy families.

Real-World Conflicts
You will face numerous challenges that include drought, taxes, cattle theft, disease, and government regulations.

Real-World Activities
Encounter real-world tasks as you run your ranch.

Real-World Rewards
Players will be able to win real-world awards from participating sponsors.
SupportTo create the game, we need $1.8 million in pre-orders
Established Team
Our team includes video game veterans with PC, console, and mobile game titles to their combined credit.
Our Strategy
Upon completion of a six month period of fundraising, the game will be built out over the course of nine months.
Design & Development
We will be creating the game for desktop PC and mobile distribution. The 3D art style embraces a water color look.
Deploying the product
Individuals who pre-order will be authorized to participate in closed beta session and will be eligible for backing awards.
Pre-order your copy of AKA Rancher video game
TestimonialsLegacy Ranching Family Quotes
Everyday you walk outside and that is your office. It’s a great life but it’s a very demanding life. And you have to love it to make a living on it. You have to love it.
Frank Reznicek, owner of the Kaechele Ranch
The encroachment of government, not just the political side of government, but the regulatory side, is huge and erroneous.
John Dudley, partner of the Dudley Bros.
In the ranching business, if you’re not changing, you’re going to be left behind.
John Scarbauer, owner of the Midland Meat Market
The incentive for cattle theft today is probably even stronger then it was back in 1887.
Eldon White, executive director of TSCRA
It was just something I always enjoyed doing. Something about the open spaces. There might not be a man in fifteen, twenty miles.
John Scarbauer, owner of the Midland Meat Market
We use horses a lot on the ranch. We’re on horseback about 75% of the year.
Mary Katherine White, 7th generation rancher
We think of ranchers as in the cattle business. We’re really not. We’re in the grass business.
Pete Bonds, owner of the Bonds Ranch
A good rancher takes care of his land. He understands his livestock, whether it be horses or cattle, and knows how to coordinate his land and the animals to make a living off that land.
Gerald Nobles Jr, owner of "L" Bar Ranch
It’s a lifestyle. You just get to see God’s hand everyday if you’ll just look. The rain, the clouds, the rainbow, you’ve got the baby calves, the green grass—everything.
Jon Means, owner of the Moon Ranch
Ranching to me is just the best way of life a person can have. The land more or less is the heart and soul of the people that live on it.
Frank Reznicek, owner of the Kaechele Ranch
It really ticks me off. You’ve already been taxed on your land, and your cash, and your assets. But then [the government] want that 55% when you die!
Chris Scharbauer, owner of Scharbauer Cattle Co.
We have a saying about God being in charge. When you make the application, you found out His standards are pretty high.
Alf Means, owner of The Means Ranch
Game Time